Piret Plink-Björklund Research Group

Welcome to our research group website! We conduct multi-disciplinary research that ranges from studies of the sedimentary record to global studies of modern river discharge and to flume experiments. We are interested in sediment transport processes, and how they build the sedimentary record, as a function of autogenic processes and boundary condition changes. We explore the sedimentary systems in source to sink perspective, with a special focus on source to sink signal propagation and how it varies in different types of environments. We also study climate controls on sediment transport processes and products, with a specific focus on precipitation patterns and how they change with changing climate. Greenhouse climates and what they tell us about current global warming are of special interest, as well as the river floods and how their specific hazards vary with their hydrological regimes. 

Our overall goal is to link lessons from the preserved sedimentary record with modern process and experimental studies, with the aim to improve our ability to interpret the sedimentary record in an objective way, and to integrate the deep-time perspective on non-stationarity into geomorphology and climate research.

Piret Plink-Bjorklund Research Group

This is placeholder text. The College of Applied Science and Engineering at Colorado School of Mines brings together science and engineering departments and interdisciplinary programs with the same emphasis on excellent education and training and state-of-the-art research that addresses the challenges that face our world.

CASE includes the departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chemistry, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and Physics, and interdisciplinary graduate programs in Materials Science and Nuclear Science and Engineering.


Piret Plink-BjorklundOn this page you can find information on our current and previous group members, and their projects and publications


Piret Plink-Björklund
Associate Professor


Personal website


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